Τετάρτη 12 Μαΐου 2010


επιμέλεια για το Εικονοσκόπιο:Αντώνης Κασίτας

Madonna, Detroit , 1976                                                                     


                        Alain dellon/Romy Schneider                              

Jack Nicholson
John Travolta

 Che Guevara                                                                                     

Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger 

Angelina Jolie and her father, 1986 
Eric Clapton and his grandmother

Kirk and Michael Douglas

The Beatles in 1957. George Harrison is 14, John Lennon is 16, and Paul McCartney is 15.

Sean Penn

Salvador Dali (O Dali αριστερά)


George Clooney                                                            

 Goldie Hawn 

                                                                                     Marilyn Monroe in 1946
  Bebe Buell And Steven Tyler                         

Monroe and JFK

Marlon Brando (με το laptop του)

Angelina Jolie with parents                                                       
 John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol

Bonnie and Clyde

Clint Eastwood with his first wife Maggie, 1965
Sean Connery